Excuse me, I’d like to speak to the manger.

You become a top manager by making mistakes, and then learning from them. When you think back to your favorite manager, why did they make you feel so good as an employee? Maybe they were always giving praise when deserved, or maybe they exuded the three C’s (calm, cool, collected), and maybe it was simply being around them. You felt confident that any situation could be handled effectively. More importantly, I wonder if it was this- that you, yourself, felt empowered while working under them.

“You’ve got this.”


Talent with a little initiative on the side

Studies show that when managers find, hire and train employees who seem to have that ‘je ne sais quois’ or ahem-  ‘initiative,’ success is sure to follow. One new trend in the ever-changing modern workspace is new technology. Along with that trend is the emergence of new roles or in other words jobs that literally may not have existed 5 years ago! For the manager in the workspace, and as new technologies and role-gaps appear, the growth team needs to devote time to either: 1) adapting current roles to match emerging needs and/or 2) creating roles for new talent. As any best-selling business book will tell you, surround yourself with good people who are looking to change the world, and you might just take your team and your company somewhere extraordinary.

“With the new tech-product roll-out next year, Rob’s job will soon be redundant. Let’s brainstorm how his role can be tweaked in the months leading up to then, as he’s indispensable to our team.”


Tackling Mistakes, Not Avoiding Them

Humans have a habit of daydreaming about past mistakes or awkward moments and inwardly cringing, hoping that moments like that never happen again. People will go wildly out of the way to avoid the possibility of making mistakes. Yet if you squint your eyes and look a little harder, you might also recall a positive change or two that resulted from the mistake you made. Finding that silver lining is a key trait of a top manager.

“It’s okay, Cory. Because we got so delayed on this project, it’s truly shed light on how the process needs to be changed due to this new equipment. No harm done. We can all learn from this.”


Here’s a few examples of ‘mistakes’ that yielded truly brilliant results-

Penicilin – Because good ol’ Alexander Flemming accidentally left a bunch of petri dishes laying around during a long weekend, he noticed one dish had a crucial glob of mold with no bacteria surrounding it.

The Slinky– Initially meant as Industrial Equipment Stabilizers (sounds fun, huh) naval engineer, Richard James, created the contraption to help heavy equiptment on his ships stay put in rocky seas. But when one fell off the shelf and down a staircase in oh-so-slinky fashion, he and his wife knew they had to bring this to Gimbels to become that season’s best-selling Christmas toy.

Post-It Notes- Initially meaning to design a heavy-duty adhesive for a top-secret project, Spencer Silver started off by making quite the opposite- an adhesive glue that only lightly stuck to surfaces. While going nowhere for years, when an influential colleague was exposed to Silver’s idea and saw the ingenuity of Silver’s design, the now post-it note was given a chance to survive beyond other colleagues’ limited mindsets.


The Difference at CSG

Our people hold us accountable. CSG is a very entrepreneurial company. We actively solicit ideas from everyone in the organization from the cleaners to management, and then test the best ideas to make sure they work in the real world. If they pass the test, we implement them right away throughout the company. At our larger competitors, on the other hand, multiple layers of management and bureaucratic red tape make change a slow and painful process.

Thanks to our proprietary software, our process, and our people, when you work with us you won’t have to spend time managing your cleaning service. As we all know, time is money, so giving you more time to run your core business has a direct impact on your bottom line. That’s why we know that while we may or may not have the lowest price, we are definitely the best choice for your cleaning partner.


Contact the team today to see for yourself how we can transform your cleaning and building maintenance plan. 


If you liked this blog, stay tuned for more from CSG!

  • Make High Turnover At Your Company A Non-Issue
  • Top 5 Challenges (and solutions) for Building Managers

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